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Instructing the Novice: A Kindred Tales PLUS Novel: Brides of the Kindred

  Instructing the Novice

  A Kindred Tales novel

  Evangeline Anderson


  * * * * *


  Evangeline Anderson

  Kindred Tales

  Copyright © 2018 by Evangeline Anderson

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to or and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

  *Cover content is for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted on the cover is a model*

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  *Author's Warning* There is a scene in this book that may make anyone who has suffered past abuse feel uncomfortable or triggered. Please read responsibly. (But I promise everything comes out all right in the end!)

  Hugs and Happy Reading


  Also by Evangeline Anderson

  Brides of the Kindred series (Sci-fi /Action-Adventure /Romance)

  Claimed (Also available in Audio)

  Hunted (Also available in Audio)

  Sought (Also Available in Audio)

  Found (Also Available in Audio )

  Revealed (Also Available in Audio)

  Pursued (Also Available in Audio)

  Exiled (Also Available in Audio)

  Shadowed (Also Available in Audio)

  Chained (Also Available in Audio)

  Divided (Coming soon to Audio)













  Kindred Tales series (side stories in the Brides of the Kindred which are outside the main story arc. These can be read as STAND ALONE novels.)

  Mastering the Mistress

  Bonding with the Beast (Also available in Audio)

  Seeing with the Heart

  Freeing the Prisoner

  Healing the Broken (a Kindred Christmas novel)

  Taming the Giant

  Bridging the Distance

  Loving a Stranger

  Finding the Jewel

  Bonded by Accident

  Releasing the Dragon

  Sharing a Mate

  Instructing the Novice

  Awakened by the Giant (coming Feb 2019)

  Born to Darkness series (Paranormal/Action-Adventure/Romance)

  Crimson Debt (Also available in Audio)

  Scarlet Heat (Also available in Audio)

  Ruby Shadows (Also available in Audio)

  Cardinal Sins (Coming Soon)

  Dessert (short novella following Scarlet Heat) (Also in Audio)

  Alien Mate Index series (Sci-fi /Action-Adventure /Romance)

  Abducted (Also available in Print and Audio)

  Protected (Also available in Print and Audio)

  Descended (Also available in Print and Audio)

  Severed (Also available in Print and Audio )

  The Cougarville Series


  (Older woman/Younger Man)

  Buck Naked (Also available in Audio)

  Cougar Bait (Also available in Audio)

  Stone Cold Fox (Also available in Audio)

  Big Bad Wolf (coming soon)

  The Institute series (Daddy-Dom/Age Play Romance)

  The Institute: Daddy Issues(Also available in Audio)

  The Institute: Mishka's Spanking

  The CyBRG Files with Mina Carter

  (Sci-fi /Action-Adventure /Romance)

  Unit 77: Broken

  Unit 78: Bred

  The Swann Sisters Chronicles

  (Contemporary Fairy/Funny/ Fantasy/Romance)

  Wishful Thinking (Also available in Audio)

  Be Careful What You Wish For (Also available in Audio)

  Compendiums and Box Sets

  Brides of the Kindred Volume One

  Contains Claimed, Hunted, Sought and Found

  Brides of the Kindred Volume Two

  Contains Revealed, Pursued, and Exiled

  Brides of the Kindred Volume Three

  Contains Shadowed, Chained, and Divided

  Brides of the Kindred Volume Four

  Contains Devoured, Enhanced, and Cursed

  Brides of the Kindred Volume Five

  Contains Enslaved, Targeted, and Forgotten

  Brides of the Kindred Volume Six

  Contains Switched, Uncharted, and Unbound

  Kindred Tales Volume One

  Contains Mastering the Mistress, Bonding with the Beast, Seeing with the Heart

  Kindred Tales Volume Two

  Contains Freeing the Prisoner, Healing the Broken, Taming the Giant

  Kindred Tales Volume Three

  Contains Bridging the Distance, Loving a Stranger, Finding the Jewel

  Alien Mate Index Volume One

  Contains Abducted, Protected, Descended, and Severed

  Born to Darkness Box Set

  Contains Crimson Debt, Scarlet Heat, and Ruby Shadows

  *One Hot Halloween

  Contains Red and the Wolf, Gypsy Moon, and Taming the Beast

  *Have Yourself a Sexy Little Christmas

  Contains Kidnapped for Christmas, Cougar Christmas, and Seasons's Spankings

  *Bound and Determined

  Contains The Punishment of Nicolett and His Ward

  Stand Alone Novels

  (Sci-fi OR Paranormal Action-Adventure/Romance)

  Purity (Now available in Audio)

  Stress Relief

  The Last Man on Earth

  Anyone U Want

  Shadow Dreams

  Hunger Moon Rising

  Cougar Christmas

  Planet X (Also available in Audio)

  Deal with the Devil (Also available in Audio)

  The Sacrifice (Also available in Audio)

  Blood Kiss

  Take Two

  The Pleasure Palace

  The Last Man on Earth

  Blind Date with a Vampire

  Eyes Like a Wolf (Foster Brother romance)


  *Ceremony of Three

  *Str8te Boys (M/M romance)

  * Forever Broken (M/M romance)

  * Red and the Wolf

  *Gypsy Moon

  *The Last Bite (M/M romance)

  *The Assignment (M/M romance)

  * denotes books that are only available at Evangeline's Aliens and Alphas Bookstore

  Naughty Tales (Short Reads to get you Hot and Bothered)

  *Sin Eater

  Confessions of a Lingerie Model

  When Mr. Black Comes Home

  Speeding Ticket

  *Putting on a Show

  YA Novels

  The Academy(Now available in Audio)

  Click HERE to join my audiobook newsletter.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

bsp; Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Sneak Peek at Awakened by the Giant

  About the Author

  Also by Evangeline Anderson

  Newsletter Sign-up

  Chapter One

  Lizabeth Paige was mortified.

  “Mortified,” she muttered aloud to herself. “To be caused extreme embarrassment, humiliation, shame, discomfort, and distress.” Never had a definition fit better.

  “Now plant your feet, arch your back and rise up into downward dog,” murmured the soothing voice from the little pink cube sitting on the far right corner of her yoga mat. Above it, a holo of a girl who was probably all of twenty was projected, lifting herself gracefully into the required position.

  Lizabeth gritted her teeth. She’d been certain she had turned the holo function of her exer-cube to the off position. She’d been doing yoga for years for stress relief because of her career as a highly placed corporate attorney. She didn’t need any skinny-minny twenty-year-old showing her how to get into the old, familiar positions and reminding her that she was plus-sized into the bargain.

  Of course, now that she was no longer living on Earth, the only corporation Lizabeth worked for were the Kindred—the large, male, alien warriors who had saved the planet from the threat of the Scourge, another alien race that had been intent on destroying everything in their path. That had been years ago but the Kindred were still here, their Mother Ship in orbit around the moon—mainly because a genetic anomaly ensured that 99% of their children were male. Which meant they were always chronically short of females and needed to call brides from Earth.

  The Kindred were good clients, she had found—always fair and never sexist. Lizabeth liked that—she’d dealt with her fair share of sexism. Even after breaking the glass ceiling, she still heard male colleagues—human males anyway—mutter that she was a ball-busting bitch. But her assertiveness and aggressiveness in the court room were qualities the Kindred admired—which meant she ought to be having less stress in this job than in her previous career down on Earth.

  “If that’s true then why am I having more stress than I ever have in my life?” Lizabeth muttered to herself. Why was she mortified and trying to do yoga to get her mind off the reason for her mortification instead of studying the Yonnie Six documents she needed to decipher in order to prepare for her next case—Kindred Vs the Proprietors of BleakHall Penitentiary?

  “Now lower yourself into plank,” the soothing voice of the exer-cube instructed and the twenty-something skinny-minny holo complied, taking a firm, perfect plank position she could probably hold all day.

  Grimly, Lizabeth got into plank and tried not to think about the reason for her mortification—the reason she couldn’t look her assistant, Stands Alone, in the eye anymore.

  No, no—don’t think about Lone!

  Her long, dark hair fell over one shoulder as she held the pose and she thought instead about getting it cut.

  Some people thought a woman ought to have short hair after she turned forty-five, as Lizabeth had on her last birthday. Her ex-husband certainly had.

  “Why don’t you cut that?” he’d said, on one of their last meetings to finalize the divorce. “You look ridiculous, you know—trying to pretend you’re still a girl in your twenties.”

  “You mean the kind you left me for?” Lizabeth had demanded, sweeping her hair over one shoulder protectively. “The little assistant who’s still in college? Look at yourself, Bernard! You’re fifty-five—she’s young enough to be your daughter.”

  “She might be—if you’d ever given me any children.” There was bitterness in her ex’s voice although the fact that Lizabeth had picked career advancement over being a mom had never been a problem until he was looking for a reason to divorce her. But suddenly, when she’d caught him cheating with a much, much younger woman, Bernard has trotted it out, as though she’d denied him something precious he’d been longing for, for years.

  In fact, it had been Lizabeth who had wanted children when they first got married. She’d been in her early thirties then and had felt her biological clock ticking. But when Bernard showed no interest, she reluctantly gave up on the idea and threw herself into her work instead. Her ex-husband had been married to his career as an executive in the banking industry and she had no wish to be a single parent. Bernard would have made a lousy father anyway—was probably one now since apparently he and his new little wifey, who was half Lizabeth’s age and supposedly extremely fertile—were trying to get pregnant.

  Lizabeth sighed and tried to push the bad memory away. Let Bernard have his silly little assistant—it wasn’t like their marriage hadn’t already been dead by the time he started cheating. They had both been too focused on their careers and had gradually grown apart. And after their divorce, she’d sworn off men for good.

  All men but one, anyway, whispered a little voice in her head.

  “No—oh, no,” Lizabeth told herself grimly, panting a little as she held her plank. “I’m not going there—not going to think of him.”

  But her stupid brain refused to listen. Unbidden, the image of Stands Alone, her assistant, rose before her mind’s eye. Though he was a Twin Kindred, Lone had no twin. His brother had died at birth and he had been raised as a “loner,” which was what the Twin Kindred called a male who had lost his twin. He had pale gray eyes like a Light Twin and mahogany brown hair and bronze skin like a Dark Twin. The combination coupled with his Kindred height and musculature meant he was extremely easy on the eyes.

  He was also nearly fifteen years younger than her and completely off limits, Lizabeth reminded herself.

  “And anyway, stop thinking of him,” she told herself sternly. “You know what happens when you think of him.”

  But she couldn’t help thinking of him this time. Couldn’t help remembering how he had “helped” her when The Great Needing came.

  The Great Needing was the name that had been given to the period of time after a terrorist had released Xi-46, an aphrodisiac compound that affected all women of mating age, into the Kindred Mother Ship.

  Different women had been afflicted with different symptoms. Some had developed an aching emptiness inside which meant they had to immediately have sex with their mate—or in a great many cases, when they were unmated—with the unmated Kindred warrior closest to them. Some had been afflicted with “the thirst”—an insatiable craving for male seed. Others, like Lizabeth herself, had found that their breasts suddenly swelled up and filled with a sweet, sticky nectar which had to be sucked out—again, by either their mate or the nearest unmated Kindred warrior.

  And in Lizabeth’s case, her much-too-young-for-her assistant had been the nearest Kindred.

  “No!” she told herself again, panting with fatigue, her arms trembling as she continued to hold the plank. “No, don’t think about it!”

  But she couldn’t help herself. The image of Lone kneeling before her and sucking her breasts, drawing the sweet, sticky nectar from her ripe, aching nipples, was suddenly so real in her head it was almost like it was happening all over again.

  Lizabeth felt the familiar ache beginning in her breasts and then the sound of a droplet of liquid splattering onto her yoga mat made her look down. Another droplet fell—and then another. Damn it! She was leaking again—the sweet nectar staining the front of her sports bra and dripping down to the mat below.

  Swearing to herself, Lizabeth collapsed to the mat, careful to come down o
n her forearms so she could shield her aching breasts, which were now full to capacity.

  “Now, hold the plank just two more breaths and then we’ll go into side plank,” the soothing voice of the exer-cube said. The holo twenty-something rose smoothly on one side, making the maneuver look effortless.

  Abandoning her attempt at stress-relief, Lizabeth reached out and slapped the cube off, watching as the holo-fizzled to nothing. Hauling herself off the now-sticky mat, she made her way to her bedroom and pulled the high-suction breast pump she’d gotten after that first, embarrassing incident with Lone out of her dresser drawer.

  She debated for a moment, then pulled out her purple bullet vibrator as well. Usually the breast fullness was accompanied by an aching emptiness in her pussy and this time would probably be no exception. The little bullet was made more for clitoral stimulation than deep penetration, which was what she really needed. But it was better than nothing.

  Thank goodness I didn’t have the emptiness that first time when Lone helped me, Lizabeth thought as she stripped off her yoga clothes and got situated, naked, on the bed. She would have gone much further with her assistant than she had if that had been the case, she was certain, which would have made things even more awkward between them.

  Can’t believe I let him help me, she thought for the hundredth time as she prepared to attach the suction cups of the pump to her nipples. It’s so embarrassing the way I acted. It’s mortifying.

  She winced as she started to position one of the cups over her right nipple. The nectar that filled her breasts was much thicker than the breast milk the pump had been made to draw out. As a result, her nipples were red and sore and her breasts never really completely emptied. Before The Great Needing, Lizabeth had been a very respectable C cup. Now she was a permanent double D and her breasts ached nearly all the time.

  Still, what else could she do? She had already had one inappropriate sexual encounter with her assistant—she wasn’t about to have another. And even though she’d taken the antidote which had been developed by the three prominent scientists—Dr. Smith, Dr. Bron, and Dr. Sorin—the incidents of breast-swelling and needing continued. Apparently she was one of those unlucky, unmated women it just didn’t work for.