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Born to Darkness Box Set Page 15

  “Addison!” Corbin grabbed me and pulled me back into his lap.

  “Let me go,” I demanded, struggling weakly in his arms. “I’ve had enough of you for one night—hell, for the rest of my whole damn life. Let me go!”

  “Not until I see if you’re really damaged.” Corbin stood suddenly, swinging me up into his arms and carrying me as though I weighed no more than a kitten.

  “What? Wait!” I exclaimed as he carried me through the club. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Where I can give you both privacy and healing.” His voice brooked no refusals but I tried to refuse him anyway.

  “Never mind, I’m fine—I don’t need medical attention or healing or whatever it is,” I protested. I wriggled in his arms and then groaned when my stinging bottom rubbed against his arm.

  “If you were really fine, you wouldn’t be crying in pain when I barely touched you.” Corbin frowned at me. “I thought that I held back enough to keep from actually damaging you but now I see I may have been wrong.”

  “No, seriously, let me go. I’ll just go sit on an ice pack or something,” I begged but he was already carrying down the narrow stairs that led to his hidden daytime resting place.

  Once he got me through the thick bank vault door, he took me directly to the bed. He laid me gently on my stomach and stripped off his suit jacket and tie, like a man ready to do some serious work. Then started to pull up my dress.

  “Stop!” I half turned, though the motion was painful, and batted at his hands. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Examining you.” He tugged at the loose material again. “This is a lovely dress, Addison, don’t make me rip it.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the dress!” I snapped, trying to hold it in place.

  “Very well.” With one sudden, fierce motion he ripped the gauzy material right up the back. For a second time that night I felt a cool breeze on my backside.

  “Corbin, honestly…” I flipped over on my back though the motion hurt my behind and shook my head. “I’m all right, really.”

  He frowned. “I will be the judge of that. Now turn over.”

  “You don’t really care if I’m hurt,” I said, staying firmly on my back. “You just want another excuse to look at my ass.”

  Corbin gave me a steady look. “While I admit you have a lush and delectable bottom, I am honestly just trying to be certain I didn’t hurt you too much.”

  “And what are you going to do if you did hurt me?” I demanded.

  “I will heal you of course.”

  My breath started coming faster. “What—you mean the same way you healed my scars?”


  “This is ridiculous.” I shifted on the green and gold bedspread and let out a sound that was half groan and half laugh.

  Corbin frowned. “What is so funny?”

  “You are.” I shook my head. “I mean, after what you pulled tonight I’ll admit I’m tempted to tell you to kiss my ass but to have you actually offer to do it…”

  “This is not a joke, Addison.” He gave me a stern look. “You are my consort—your wellbeing is my responsibility. If I have harmed you, then I must heal you as well.”

  “I’m not really your consort—we’re just pretending,” I protested.

  “That doesn’t matter.” He looked at me, long and steadily. “Addison, roll onto your stomach right now and let me see if you’re hurt.”

  I felt my face getting hot. “What if I don’t want to?”

  “What are you afraid of?” Corbin stroked my cheek. “If you think I want to repeat the scene we enacted for Roderick’s benefit, don’t worry, my darling—there will be no more punishment tonight, I swear it.”

  “None for tonight, huh? What about tomorrow?” I demanded.

  “Stop trying to change the subject. Are you going to turn over and let me examine you or must I turn you over myself?”

  I could see he wasn’t going to let up until I did as he said. And seeing that he had literally all the time in the world to be patient, I wasn’t going to win this one.

  “Fine,” I muttered, turning over at last. “But make it quick.”

  “I will take exactly as much time as is needed,” he remarked, parting the torn dress. “And I will need to remove these as well.” He tugged gently at my lacy black panties.

  I nearly groaned. “Are you serious?”

  “How else am I supposed to see what damage I have done? Come, Addison, don’t be difficult.”

  “Fine.” I gritted my teeth. “Just don’t—” I didn’t get the chance to finish because Corbin had already leaned over me and bitten clean through the thin side straps of the black panties with two quick snaps of his super-sharp fangs.

  “You were saying?” he said as he whisked the ruined panties away, leaving me bare.

  “I was about to say just don’t hurt them—they’re my favorite panties.” I threw him a withering glance over my shoulder.

  “My apologies,” Corbin said smoothly. “I’ll see that they’re replaced. Now then, let’s see…”

  I felt him lean over me again and my breath caught in my throat as the heat of his big body radiated against my bare thighs and buttocks. He seemed to take forever examining my naked backside. I pressed my legs tightly together and stared at the green and gold bedspread, waiting for it to be over.

  “See?” I said at last, when I couldn’t stand it anymore. “I’m fine.”

  “Actually, you are not.” He sounded regretful—maybe even upset. “I have marked you, Addison and for that I must ask your forgiveness.”

  “It’s all right,” I said uneasily. “Just…let me go home and we’ll call it even.”

  “I cannot even consider letting you go home like this. I must heal you.”

  “No, you don’t have to. Really, you don—”

  The words died on my lips when I felt a soft, hot kiss pressed to the stinging skin of the tender undercurve of my right buttock.

  “Corbin?” I whispered. I was almost unable to speak at all, I was feeling so short of breath. “Corbin, please don’t.”

  “Why not?” He kissed me again, this time in a different spot. “Why should I not heal you?” His voice had dropped to a soft, sensual growl I could feel vibrating through my entire body as he continued to kiss me.

  “Be-because,” I stuttered, trying to think of a good reason. But my brain seemed to have taken a vacation and left my body in charge. I could feel the warm, sexual tingling that always seemed to accompany his healing touch circulating through me. But this time he was healing a much more intimate area and I couldn’t help reacting to him.

  “I never meant to hurt you,” Corbin murmured as he continued the slow, soft, hot kisses that were driving me crazy. “Never meant to mark your delicate body—you have to believe that, Addison.”

  “I…I believe it,” I assured him, shifting uneasily. God, was this ever going to end? Earlier when he had kissed my thigh and panties before biting me I had thought I might melt with lust. Now I knew I was going to. I could feel my pussy getting embarrassingly wet again and my nipples felt tight and sensitive.

  Finally, when I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore, Corbin stopped.

  “Very good,” he murmured and I bit my lip as he stroked my ass gently with one large, warm hand as though admiring his handiwork. “For the outside, at least.”

  My heart started jack-hammering in my chest. “What do you mean…the outside?” I asked.

  “Exactly what I said—the outside of your buttocks are healed. “Now I need to look at the inside—your inner thighs. Get up on your hands and knees for me.”

  “You didn’t hit me there,” I protested. “I feel fine now—better than fine. You should just let me go home.”

  “Not until I’m sure every bit of you is healed.” He sounded like he was frowning. “Now are you going to get on your hands and knees for me, Addison, or do I have to put you into the position myself?”

nbsp; “Corbin—” I started to protest but he was already moving me, pulling me up onto my hands and knees, getting me into position like a life-sized doll. Only dolls don’t swear at you.

  “Such language,” he said mildly when I let loose. “Come now, Addison, there’s no need to be so upset. This won’t take long.”

  I hoped he was right. I was in the position he wanted but I made sure to keep my thighs together as I waited for him to look at me. I was ashamed to admit that I didn’t want him to see how his healing had affected me. Didn’t want him to know that I was wet and hot and achy for him. But Corbin clearly had other ideas. His big, warm hands stroked over my bare ass and down the backs of my thighs.

  “Open for me,” he murmured.

  “No.” I kept my legs stubbornly closed.

  “Addison…” There was a warning note in his deep voice. “I will not let you go home until I see all of you. Open for me now.”

  “And if I do…you’ll let me go home?” I wished my voice wasn’t quite so breathy.

  “As soon as I heal you, yes.” His hand stroked over my sensitive skin again. “Come, darling, you know I won’t hurt you.”

  “Fine. But I don’t…don’t need any healing.” Finally I parted my thighs though I was biting my lip with embarrassment as I did so.

  “I will be the judge of that,” Corbin murmured. Then I felt him lean closer to me again, felt his breath warm and intimate against my exposed pussy. I waited for him to touch me some more or to say something but he was silent.

  “Corbin?” I asked at last. “I’m, uh, feeling kind of exposed here. Can I please just go?”

  “Not until I heal you. Here…and here.” I felt his long fingers brush over my outer pussy lips and had to bite back a moan.

  “No, ab-absolutely not.” I said, stumbling over the words. “I can’t let you, um, kiss me there.”

  “Of course you can. But I think it will be easier to reach you if you’re on your back.”

  Before I could protest, he had flipped me over again and pulled me to the edge of the bed so that my calves were hanging over the side.

  “Corbin!” I exclaimed, but he was already kneeling between my thighs, his broad shoulders spreading me wide. “Stop this—I’m not hurt there!”

  “Yes, you are. Look.” One long finger traced my outer pussy lips again, which did look a little puffy and red. Could his hand have landed there while I was struggling? Even if it did, this is not a good place to let him put his mouth.

  I looked at Corbin. His fangs were out but there was also a look of contrition in his eyes.

  “So soft and sweet,” he murmured, nuzzling his slightly scratchy cheek against my inner thigh. “So delicate. I have to heal you, Addison. Please.”

  “Well…” I bit my lip. “All right but just…just heal me and then let me go.”

  “We shall see.” Leaning forward, he placed a hot, open mouthed kiss on the right side of my pussy. I clenched my hands in the green and gold bedspread and tried not to jump as the sexual tingle of his healing magic went to work on me. Corbin kissed the left side too, taking his time, being extremely thorough. Then he went back to the right side and then the left…

  “Corbin…” I muttered through clenched teeth. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. My pussy felt hot and wet and swollen and my clit was throbbing with need, yet he was only kissing my outer lips. God, I was going crazy.

  At last he looked up and this time the remorse in his eyes had been replaced by lust.

  “You’re very wet, Addison,” he murmured, spreading my pussy with his thumbs. The motion exposed my slippery folds, my pink inner pussy glistening with my juices as though to illustrate his point.

  “Don’t,” I whispered. “I…I can’t help it.”

  “I can’t help it either.” His eyes glowed almost silver in the dim light. “I need to taste you.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “You don’t mean my blood, do you?”

  “You know I don't. I need to taste your pussy. Need to lick your sweet little cunt until you come for me.”

  I was torn between lust and fear. It wasn’t that I’d never had a man go down on me before—it had been one of the favorite activities of the guy I’d been sure I was going to marry in grad school. He wasn’t very good at it, or else, maybe I just wasn’t that into it, but that was beside the point. To let a vampire do it—that was skirting dangerously close to pretty scary territory. Letting Corbin kiss me and heal me was all well and good. Taking things a step further was something else—especially if something happened to trigger his bloodlust as he was tasting me. If Corbin’s control snapped, I was dead meat. I had seen the gory results of vampire/human sex that had started with much less erotic scenarios than the one we were currently enacting, at least to hear witnesses tell it.

  Vamps were able to control themselves through the most elaborate glam-sex fantasy and, as long as the sex was purely mental, there was no problem. But once you got the other senses involved—especially scent and taste—things were likely to go south in a hurry. Fuck-lust and bloodlust is a lethal combination—lethal for the human involved, anyway. What Corbin was asking me was tantamount to sticking my hand—or some other very sensitive part of my anatomy—into a lion’s mouth and hoping the lion would rather lick than bite.

  Besides, hadn’t I already sworn to myself in this very room that I would never put myself in this position again?

  “Corbin, after what almost happened last time…”

  “Last time I was thirsty but tonight I have already had your blood. My bloodlust is satiated and well in control.”

  I looked at him uncertainly. His eyes were filled with desire, the pupils dilated to a drowning black and his mouth was half parted to show those sharp, deadly fangs. Frankly, he looked hot. Hot and extremely dangerous.

  “But I can’t…I’m not able to, uh, finish that way,” I said, still trying to think of an excuse.

  “I can make you come, Addison. I need to make you come.” His voice was a soft growl.

  “Oh,” I whispered. His words seemed to make my whole body tighten and I felt like I was blushing everywhere. “But—”

  Corbin didn’t let me finish. He leaned forward and captured my mouth. The kiss he gave me was gentle but urgent. His fangs scraped lightly against my tongue but never drew blood. Finally he drew back and looked me in the eyes.

  “Trust me,” he breathed, so softly I could barely hear him.

  It was crazy and wrong but I couldn’t help myself. It had been a very long time since I’d last had sex and the orgasm he’d given me the night before only seemed to whet my appetite for more.

  “All right,” I whispered at last, searching his eyes with my own. “Just don’t hurt me.”

  “Never.” He laid me back on the bed and propped a pillow under my ass, elevating me and making me feel extremely exposed. Then he positioned himself between my spread thighs and took a long moment just looking at me again.

  I understood he was probably trying to calm and center himself but I was beginning to feel embarrassed all over again when he finally leaned down and pressed an almost chaste kiss to the top of my mound. Then he locked his arms around my thighs, holding me open for him, and took a long, slow taste of my pussy.

  “God.” I moaned. Despite the pleasure he’d given me with his fingers the night before, it was nothing compared to the feel of his tongue. His mouth was warm and wet and he seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, unlike a few other guys I’d been with. You know the kind—who only go down if they think they have to or they’re going to get something in return? It wasn’t like that with Corbin. It was as though he was sampling a fine vintage of wine and loving every minute of it. Of course, I was pretty sure he was getting off on my reaction too because his eyes never left mine as he continued those long, slow licks.

  “Do you like it when I taste you? Do you like spreading your pussy for my tongue?” Corbin murmured, keeping me pinned with his penetrating gaze. Betwe
en the dirty talk, he continued to lick me as though I was his favorite flavor of ice cream. I shivered uncontrollably as a new wave of desire swept through me. His mouth was hot and hungry and his tongue was extremely talented.

  “Corbin,” I gasped, “Please.”

  “You taste so good, Addison. So sweet. So soft and creamy under my tongue. I can never get enough of you.”

  I moaned as he licked me again, this time paying special attention to my clit. The tip of his tongue danced around it and then he sucked it into his mouth for a special session of erotic torture. I was already incredibly sensitive from the way he’d healed earlier and I almost felt like I could tilt over the edge again immediately. But then Corbin stopped, holding me off.

  I groaned in frustration and reached down to bury my hands in his thick, blond hair. “Why did you stop? You’re driving me crazy.”

  “I am taking things slowly.” His eyes flashed as he looked up at me from his position between my thighs. “It has been a long, long time since I have felt the intensity of desire that you cause in me, my darling.”

  I understood that he was holding himself back, trying to be careful. But at the same time his gentle approach to going down on me was driving me out of my mind.

  “It’s all right,” I told him breathlessly. “You…you’re not hurting me. I can barely even feel your fangs.”

  “Because I am doing my best not to draw blood.” He leaned down and rubbed his cheek against my leg, making me moan again. The dark blond stubble on his jaw scratched the tender skin of my inner thigh in just the right way, sending sparks of excitement through my entire body.

  “Please, Corbin, I trust you,” I whispered, stroking his hair. “Please, I need…I need to come.”

  His eyes flashed again, this time with lust. “You have no idea what it does to me to hear you say that. And to hear you call my name when you come.”

  “I’ll say it again and again if you want,” I told him, my need completely overcoming my fear. “Just, please, don’t stop.”

  “I won’t,” he growled softly. “I won’t stop until I feel you coming for me, Addison.” Then he leaned down and pressed his mouth to my open pussy, enveloping me in his heat as he penetrated me with his tongue.