Companion 3000 Page 15
Leita cried and dug her fingers into his back, trying to hold on, trying to be open enough to take him. She could feel her walls stretching to take his massive length, could feel the head of his cock battering against the end of her channel as though seeking entrance there. But as rough as Pierce was being, she knew she didn’t want it any other way. She wanted to be sore when this was done. Wanted to know that he had been there—that he had wanted her at least one last time.
She’d been exposed and sensitive for so long that another orgasm wasn’t long in coming. It was deeper this time, rawer, more intense. Pierce brought her hard with his very roughness, with his complete mastery of her body and she came gladly, giving herself to him completely for the last time.
“Master!” she moaned. “Coming! Coming so hard…”
“That’s right, baby girl,” Pierce growled possessively. “Come for me. Wanna feel you coming all over my cock. Sucking the cum right out of me.” His large hands tightened almost painfully around her hips and he brought her down hard to get his cock as deeply into her trembling cunt as he could. Then Leita felt a warmth as he bathed her channel with his cum, filling her completely, owning her all over again.
Her pussy clenched hard around his shaft, milking the last of his seed from him and she moaned and arched her back, feeling the last ripples of her own orgasm as they coursed through her. Last time, she thought deliriously. Last time pays for all.
She knew that he would probably drop her off at her life pod and she would never see him again. But this experience was enough to live on for months—maybe years. She knew she’d turn out the lights at night and think of Pierce as she touched herself. Think of how much she missed him, how much she loved him…
She didn’t realize she was crying until Pierce lifted a hand to her face to wipe away the tears. “What is it, honey?” he asked tenderly, cupping her cheek in his palm. “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”
“No,” she whispered, groping for words to explain how she felt. “No, I guess…guess I’m just sad because this is the last time we’ll ever do this. I mean, I know you’re just going to take me home now and I’ll probably never see you again. And that’s okay—that’s the way it has to be, I know. But it just… I can’t help thinking how much I’m going to miss you, Pierce. That’s all.”
“Look at me.” Pierce lifted her chin so that their eyes met. There was something in his gaze that made her heart jump. “It doesn’t have to be that way. This doesn’t have to be the last time, not if you don’t want it to be, Leita.”
“Really?” Leita took a deep breath, almost afraid to hope. “But…but I thought…I mean, just look at the way you live. Off running around the galaxy having adventures, living a carefree life…”
“Living a lonely life is more like it,” Pierce finished for her. “Staying one step ahead of trouble with no close friends, no family.” He shook his head. “And then I find myself mixed up with a gorgeous little blonde with a kinky streak a mile long.” He smiled at her and tweaked her nose gently. “Thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”
Leita’s eyes widened. “So then…you didn’t think it was boring, living in the life pod with Schneider and me, fixing ships, watching old vids…” She blushed slightly. “Uh, servicing me?”
Pierce grinned at her. “Baby girl, if I live to be a thousand, I’ll never get tired of ‘servicing’ you. I found what I wanted, what I’d been lookin’ for a long time without even knowing it when I found you. But I thought you didn’t want me anymore—not that I blamed you, after the way I lied to you.” He looked at her seriously. “I hated like hell to do that, you know. But I had some pretty serious people after my ass at the time and I was afraid you’d throw me out.”
“I wouldn’t have done that!” Leita protested. “Or, well, maybe I might’ve,” she ended lamely, remembering how he’d left her life pod at tazer-point the last time.
Pierce chuckled. “Yeah, you’re a little hellcat when you’re mad. I knew you’d throw me out on my ass and I was right, too. But I had planned to chance it—planned to tell you the truth that last night. Only that damn online porn catalog sent you the real sex robot before I could come clean.”
Leita sighed. “Oh, yes, Horny. I hope Schneider isn’t having too much trouble with him.”
Pierce cocked an eyebrow. “Horny? That’s his name?”
She nodded. “Uh-huh. The shock I gave him with the tazer seems to have shorted him out somehow. He’s like some kind of nypho machine, humping everything in sight. Uncontrollable.”
“Huh.” Pierce smirked. “Guess I was lookin’ pretty good after a real walking dildo started chasin’ you and Schneider around the pod.”
“Pierce!” She slapped him on the shoulder. “It’s not funny! I left Schneider there with that thing. I just hope he’s still in one piece when I get back.”
“You mean when we get back, baby girl,” he rumbled, pulling her close again. His cock had softened inside her as they spoke but now Leita felt him getting hard again, filling her pussy and making her squirm with pleasure. “But we still have a couple more hours before we make orbit around your little moon. I think we should use the time wisely. What do you say?”
Leita snuggled close to him and pressed her sensitive nipples against his broad chest. “I’d say you’re absolutely right…Master.”
“Saw you got another package from For Her Pleasure,” Pierce said casually as he settled on the new couch beside Leita and put an arm around her shoulders. “More bondage stuff? Or was it those edible electro-body paints you ordered? I’m lookin’ forward to trying those.” It had been six months since For Her Pleasure had taken Horny back. But they had refused to give Leita a refund. Instead, they had offered her store credit and she had been putting it to very good use. Pierce reckoned they had enough bondage gear, whips, chains, and gags to start their own dungeon and Leita wasn’t shy about ordering other sensual toys as well. He was especially looking forward to the electro paints that were supposed to tingle and vibrate when painted on sensitive areas and licked off again.
“No.” Leita sighed and snuggled happily into the crook of his arm. “I thought I’d get something different this time. Something for someone besides myself.”
Pierce frowned. “Look, honey, I thought we talked about this. I’m kinky but I’m not into cross-dressing. So I don’t care how cute you think I’d look in a dress or even if you found pumps to fit me—I’m not wearin’ ‘em.”
“Not you, silly.” Leita punched him playfully on the arm. “Someone else who’s near and dear to my heart. I wanted to get something for Schneider. Something to keep him company since you and I spend so much time in the bedroom and he’s out here all alone.”
“Oh, no.” Pierce put a hand to his forehead. “Leita, honey, tell me you didn’t.”
“Well, I thought it would be a nice idea. And if he doesn’t like her—”
“I told you, I am not interested,” Schneider’s high, irritated voice cut her off in mid-sentence. The Tarbian came striding stiff-legged into the living area and behind him, frisking like a kitten, came another creature that was clearly of the same species. She had tawny golden fur and big jewel-like green eyes that were lovingly trained on Schneider’s rapidly retreating backside.
“Schneider,” she trilled in a warm, purring voice. “I know you want me. And it’s just a matter of time before you know it, too.”
“I know no such thing. Although some people seem to think they know it for me.” Schneider threw Leita a dirty glance as he hurried out of the room with the Tarbian Companion hot on his furry heels.
“You’ll know it when I get done with you,” the female promised, swishing her tail eagerly as she followed him. “My programming allows me to pester you tirelessly until you mate with me. Come on, Schneider, you know you want me…”
“Poor guy,” Pierce sighed, watching them go. “Saddled with his very own walking dildo. And she sounds like a persistent little bundle of
fur, too.”
“Oh dear.” Leita turned to Pierce and shrugged. “It seemed like such a good idea at the time…”
Pierce grinned. “Well, maybe she’ll grow on him. The way I did on you.”
She kissed his cheek and put her head on his chest. “Yes, and now I have my very own Companion 2000 for life.”
“Companion 3000. I’m an upgrade, remember?” Pierce squeezed her tight against him, loving the feel of her soft, curvy body in the crook of his arm. “So how ‘bout if we go in the bedroom and I’ll show you all my latest features and capabilities?”
“Mmm.” Leita kissed his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. “I think I’m going to enjoy this demonstration.”
Pierce reached a hand under her shirt and cupped one full breast, making her moan. “I think we both are, baby girl,” he rumbled. “Too bad Schneider doesn’t like his new model—he doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
“But I do.” Leita rubbed against him like a cat as he twisted her sensitive nipple between his thumb and fingers. “Because I’m not missing it anymore. Take me to bed, Pierce.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Grinning, he gathered her into his arms and turned for the bedroom. He finally had the woman he had been longing for and he never intended to let her go.
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Hugs and Happy Reading to you all!
PS—Turn the page for an excerpt from my next Kindred Tale novel, The Priestess and the Thief, the sequel to Secret Santa Surprise, which tells Elliala, the priestess's story.
The Priestess and the Thief
Kindred Tales, Book 30
Available December 2020
Turn the page for sneak peek.
When Elli gets shipped off to an ultra-strict convent where she is supposed to meditate on her sins, scrub floors, and live on bland bread soup for a year as punishment for her encounter with the mysterious stranger who spiked the punch in Secret Santa Surprise, she decides to run away and have her own adventure instead. But she gets into a very dangerous situation and who should the Goddess send to act as her bodyguard but Roke, the same mysterious stranger who got her into trouble in the first place. Will Elli forgive him and allow him to watch her back in the treacherous Targish court where assasination and blackmail are the order of the day?
You'll have to read The Priestess and the Thief to find out, coming later in December.
It came back to her often in dreams…
“Are you a virgin, little priestess?” he asks, his dark, unreadable eyes searching hers. They are in the small, dim closet together. Outside the clatter of the human celebration—a holiday called “Christmas”—is loud and happy.
But in the closet with him, the sounds are muted. Ellilah can hear her own heart pounding in her ears. The drugged punch he has forced her to drink is fizzing through her veins and she can feel the hot desire flowing through her body.
Her desire has always been a source of shame to her. She runs hot—as hot as the males in her family, she thinks. At least, all her brothers Joined with their mates young and several of them were bonded before they got joined—a great scandal on Torl Prime, her home planet.
But with males, of course, the urge to fornicate could be excused. Males have needs, after all, and as long as her brothers Joined with their brides before the brides’ bellies started to show, what harm was really done?
Of course, it’s different for a female—at last on Torl Prime. Elli knows she shouldn’t have desires at all—shouldn’t long to be touched and certainly shouldn’t touch herself at night, after lights out when everyone is supposed to be asleep. But she can’t seem to help it—she’s always been drawn to self-pleasure…to desires of the flesh.
Like her knack with zorels, it’s not considered ladylike or proper in a female. It’s the reason she was sent to the Mother Ship to be a priestess in the first place. Or maybe her stepmother just wanted to be rid of her.
Either way, Elli has barely been here a week and already she is breaking the rules…Sneaking out after curfew to attend the human party. Joining in their festivities when she ought to be back at the Sacred Grove, meditating quietly instead.
Being around male warriors at all is grounds for punishment. For she hasn’t completed her Novicehood yet. And she has yet to partake in the Ceremony of Shriving and drink the Mortem Amore which will kill, once and for all, any desires of the flesh still lurking in her soul…
“Are you a virgin, little priestess?” he says again and this time Elli answers him.
“Yes,” she whispers, looking up into those unreadable eyes. She wishes she knew what kind of Kindred he is. He looks like a Beast Kindred, with his braided beard and shaggy mane of black hair. But his eyes are dark, not golden as he looks down at her.
“I will not take your chastity,” he murmurs, tilting her chin up to his.” But forgive me—I must test the effectiveness of the potion.”
Then he bends down and takes her mouth in a kiss as sweet as Ellie always dreamed her first kiss would be. Well, that is until she was shipped away to be a priestess. Now she’s is not supposed to be kissing anyone. But somehow she can’t stop—even though she doesn’t know him. Doesn’t even know his name.
But one kiss isn’t enough. As he pulls away, she reached for him. Looping her arms around his neck, she pulls him back down. He doesn’t have to come—he’s nearly seven feet tall and immensely muscular while she’s barely five-five. But he comes anyway, allowing himself to be drawn down for more of the sweet-sticky forbidden kisses, flavored with the fruity punch he made her drink.
“Gods, little priestess,” he murmurs, when he pulls back at last. “That punch is potent stuff, isn’t it?”
He strokes her lightly, just over her breasts where her nipples poke against the coarse white fabric of her robes.
The touch is barely there but Elli feels her body respond at once—lighting up for him like the strange tree in the human’s party—the one they have strung with many small, twinkling lights. Her body feels like that now—sparking, lighting, coming to life under this stranger’s touch.
“Oh!” she gasps, her nipples peaking under his gentle caress.
“You like that, do you?” He cups one breast more firmly and strokes her tight nipple gently with his thumb. Even through the coarse robe, his touch stirs her almost unbearably. Elli feels as though the sparking has turned to a smoldering fire which might soon burst out into outright flame. More—she wants more.
And she suspects it isn’t just because of the punch, though that certainly helps things along. Also thanks to the punch, she no longer feels any guilt or obligation to stop doing what feels good. What feels right.
“Easy, little priestess—you’re panting,” he murmurs. After stroking her nipple through the coarse white cloth of her robe a moment more, he pulls his big hand away.
But Elli doesn’t want him to go.
“Touch me,” she begs, reaching for his hand and placing it on her other breast.
He strokes it, almost reflexively.
“I should go now,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “Clearly the punch is working.”
“No—don’t leave me!” Elli thrusts her breast more fully into his big hand and rubs against him. Her whole body is on fire with need! “Please,” she begs, “Kiss me again—touch me some more!”
“Mmm, but I shouldn’t, little priestess…” Still, he allows her to pull him down for another long, sweet, lingering kiss. Elli slips her tongue between his lips and explores him eagerly. He makes a low growl in his chest and lifts her up, deepening the kiss as he pulls her close.
Elli feels like she can’t get
enough. Her whole body is alight with desire and for once it doesn’t feel like a sin to indulge herself. She can do whatever she wants tonight and there is no one here to stop her. No stepmother, glaring at her and saying she ought to be ashamed, no Priestess Superior with her cold, judgmental eye. No one telling her it is wrong to do things that feel so good…so right.
She presses against the dark stranger eagerly and then takes one of his big hands—the one not busy fondling her breasts—and attempts to slip it under her robe.
She is bare beneath—having not been fitted for her special undergarments yet—and for a moment, she feels his fingertips brush the sensitive top of her mound. How she longs to feel those long fingers slip into her slippery inner folds and touch her special spot—the one she’s never supposed to touch herself.
She knows she shouldn’t touch herself there—and she certainly shouldn’t let a male touch her there—but somehow, since she drank the punch, it seems all right. It seems perfectly fine to indulge the hidden desires she’s had for so long, the ones she only takes out an examines in the privacy of her own bed at night…
The male’s fingertips slip for just a moment into her slit and she feels him brush over the tingling button of her special spot. Goddess, it feels so good!
But then he is pulling away—drawing back—a frown on his dark features.
“Forgive me, little virgin priestess, but I must go before I do something we both will regret,” he rumbles.
“Wait—no, please don’t go!” Elli begs him. But he is already gliding noiselessly out of the door and through the human party. No one sees him go—wearing the red hat with the white furry ball at the end, he blends in with the other Christmastime revelers.
Only Ellie is left, standing there, feeling as though her entire body has been plucked like a lyric-harp string and then left wanting and alone…