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Exiled Page 2

  Deep continued to frown. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. The stories I’ve heard—”

  “Don’t apply to me,” Saber finished for him. “Look, I know you’re not thrilled to have me aboard—none of the other Kindred males are. But I’m here on a mission and I have no interest in molesting any of your females, either physically or mentally.”

  “You should give him some credit, Deep,” Lock, the light twin told his brother reasonably. “He has behaved honorably so far. And besides, you’re the last one I’d think would be predisposed to think the worse of our new brother. You and Xairn get along fine and he’s Scourge.”

  “That’s different,” Deep growled. “Xairn doesn’t have the ability to go around Touching every innocent female he sees with his mind.”

  Saber felt a surge of irritation. “Let me ask you something, Brother,” he said, frowning at the dark twin. “Would you say you’re physically stronger than any female on the Mother Ship?”

  Deep nodded shortly. “Of course. We love our Earth brides and they have great strength of character but physically, they’re no match for us.”

  “So you could, if you wanted, go around raping every female you saw,” Saber pointed out. “I mean, you have the physical strength to do it, don’t you?”

  “You sick bastard,” Deep snarled. “I would never—”

  “I wouldn’t either,” Saber said quietly.

  “I think what he’s trying to say is that just because you have the ability to do something, doesn’t mean you’ll do it,” Lock said.

  “I know what he’s saying.” Deep shot him a mistrustful look. “I just don’t like the way he’s saying it. And I don’t like him being alone with Kat.”

  “I’m not.” Saber held out his hands again, still silently asking for peace. He could understand the dark twin’s anger—after all, he wouldn’t want Lissa to be alone with a strange male, especially not one dressed as he was right now. “Lissa my…my kinswoman is here as well.”

  “Kinswoman?” Lock frowned.

  “Sister. My little sister.” The words seemed to stick in Saber’s throat but he forced himself to say them anyway. After all, by the laws of his people they were true, even if his heart told him otherwise. “She is to be part of the mission to recover the stolen scrolls which were sold to a collector on Yonnie Six.”

  “Yonnie Six, huh?” Deep looked him up and down again. “Well, that explains the way you’re dressed, at least. You know what they do to males on that planet?”

  “I’m aware, yes,” Saber said stonily. “I could hardly put on a collar and leash and not have some idea of what I’m getting into.”

  “You’re very brave,” Lock said quietly. “The Yonnites have the correct physical characteristics to make a genetic trade with us but we’ve never even approached them because of the barbaric ways they treat their males. Yet you’re going among them voluntarily.”

  “That does take courage,” Deep said grudgingly. “I don’t know if I could do it. Don’t know if I could submit so completely.”

  Saber took a deep breath. “I don’t expect it to be easy. But I have to keep Lissa safe. For her I would do anything—dare anything. Submit to anything.”

  Deep cocked an eyebrow at him. “You may have to keep that pledge before long. I hope you mean it.”

  “I do.” Saber thought of Lissa, of her wide jade green eyes still so innocent, of her tender pink lips which had never been kissed. They were going to an ugly place—it was opulent and extravagantly wealthy to be sure. But from what he had learned, Yonnie Six was seething with depravity and corruption. He was determined to protect not only Lissa’s life, but her virtue and innocence as well. No matter what it takes, he told himself.

  “She’s more than just a sister to you, isn’t she?” Lock said quietly.

  “Of course not.” Saber shifted uneasily. “We would never…I mean, by the rules of my people…”

  “Uh-huh,” Deep rumbled sarcastically. “She’s just your sister but you’re willing to die for her even though you don’t love her at all. Keep telling yourself that. It’s so obviously true.”

  Saber frowned. “There is no blood relation between myself and Lissa. But we are connected by more than blood—by the ties of clan and adoption I am her older brother. Nothing can ever happen between us. Nor do I want it to.”

  “Are you sure?” Lock looked at him earnestly. “No one will judge you here, brother. No offense but we find your people’s laws both archaic and much too stringent.”

  “Our ways of thinking may seem outmoded to you but they are the ways I have to return to once this mission is completed,” Saber said stiffly.

  Lock raised both hands in a gesture of reconciliation. “Just trying to help.”

  Saber merely nodded, not trusting himself to speak. As if he needed help to feel more for Lissa than he should!

  “We’d better go find Kat,” Deep said, frowning slightly. He nodded shortly at Saber. “Good luck with your trip to Yonnie Six. I wish you success in your…submission.”

  “Deep…” Lock threw his twin a reproachful glance. “I’m sorry, Saber. Please forgive my brother’s rudeness and accept our best wishes for your mission.”

  “Thank you,” Saber said stiffly. “Excuse me, I need to change.” He turned to go but Deep’s voice followed him down the hallway.

  “You might as well just leave the leash and collar on. You’re going to have to get used to it on Yonnie Six.”

  Saber felt tension creep into his shoulders but he refused to rise to the bait. Clearly the dark twin was spoiling for a fight but Saber was not the one to give it to him. A lifetime of controlling his emotions and restraining his abilities helped him keep his cool. Still, Deep’s sarcastic remark burned. Exactly how far would he have to go with this ruse in order to protect Lissa?

  All the way, he told himself as he turned into the bathroom and looked at the black leash and collar encircling his throat. I’ll go all the way if I have to.

  Chapter Two

  “It’s okay, hon. Everything is going to be okay.” Kat’s soothing voice and the cool cloth she put over Lissa’s eyes finally helped end the tears.

  “I’m sorry.” Lissa sat up and pressed the cloth to her hot face, glad for its calming chill. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I guess…I guess I just didn’t realize exactly what I was getting myself into when I took this mission. But when I tried on this dress…” She gestured to the stiff purple fabric still encasing her.

  “When you tried it on, it made everything real, didn’t it?” Kat said gently. “Look, I can understand. Sometimes we’re put into situations we don’t think we can handle. But you’re strong, Lissa—a lot stronger than you think. You’re going to do fine when you get to Yonnie Six—I’m just trying to give you the tools to work with once you get there.”

  “I know that.” Lissa sniffed. “And I thank you for it, Kat. You’ve spent a great deal of time on this—as much or more than I have—researching the culture and the dress patterns.” She sighed and ran her hand over the stiff, shimmering train. “It really is beautiful. I’m just not used to showing so much of myself. And I can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, you’ve definitely got the figure to carry it off.” Kat smiled at her. “There was a time when I would have killed to be as thin as you.”

  “And now?” Lissa raised an eyebrow.

  “Not so much.” Kat smiled. “I wound up with Twin Kindred—they’re into big beautiful women on Twin Moons. So it all worked out.”

  “Are you going to be joined with them soon?” She felt bad for taking up so much of Kat’s time. She’d been living aboard the Kindred Mother Ship for the past few months and in that time her new friend had hosted several baby showers and a joining ceremony for her friends. And she had also taken it upon herself to get Lissa all ready for her undercover mission. Lissa had been so worried about what she and Saber were about to attempt that it hadn’t even occu
rred to her that Kat had other pressing business of her own to attend to. She looked at Kat uncertainly. “What Olivia was saying about you putting off planning your own ceremony in order to get me ready for my mission…”

  “Don’t worry about that.” Kat made a shooing gesture. “I wanted to help. Besides, when Nadiah called and asked if one of us would mind pitching in to get you ready for your trip, everyone else was pregnant. Well, with the exception of Elise and she’s still too wrapped up in her man to do much more than make eyes at Merrick and have lots and lots of bonding sex.”

  Lissa felt her cheeks coloring at the offhand way Kat spoke of such a sacred rite. “You mean…the Deep Touch?”

  “Is that what your people call it?” Kat asked. “Sure, I guess so. Sex seems to be different with every kind of Kindred. How is it with yours?”

  “I don’t…I’ve never…” Lissa looked down at her hands, blushing.

  “A virgin, huh?” Kat sounded unsurprised. “Well, with you being shut away on First World with a bunch of other priestesses I can’t say I’m shocked. But you’re going to have to get over blushing every time somebody talks about sex. From what I’ve learned, the Yonnites are pretty open about satisfying their appetites.”

  “I know.” Lissa nodded. “That’s my understanding too. It’s just…so different from the way I was raised and the beliefs I’ve been taught to espouse.”

  “I’m sure it is,” Kat said firmly. “But you’re going to have to put all your moral outrage and shocked sensibilities aside if you want to do this right. You’re not just protecting yourself—you’re protecting Saber too. Remember, you are the wealthy mistress—he’s only your slave. You’re the one they’re going to be looking at, scrutinizing to see if you’re legitimate or not. And I don’t want to scare you but if they find out you’re not…” She let the sentence trail off ominously.

  Goddess, she’s right. Our lives hang in the balance—I have to get over my fear and do whatever is necessary. Lissa swallowed hard and lifted her chin. “I know,” she said. “And I can do this—I know I can. I just…have to wrap my mind around it.”

  “You’re going to be fine.” Kat smiled encouragingly. “When you get there, don’t even try to be yourself. What you need to do is picture the most imposing female you’ve ever met and pretend you’re her.”

  Lissa frowned. The most imposing female she’d ever met…that was easy. Minverna, she thought, recalling the high priestess whose place she had taken and who had subsequently committed suicide. She was also the one who had stolen and sold the records Lissa and Saber were going to recover, but that wasn’t what Lissa concentrated on now. Could she really channel the ex-priestess and use what she had learned from her to fit in on Yonnie Six?

  “Do you have someone in mind?” Kat asked. “Someone you can imitate?”

  “I think so.” Lissa nodded. “I’m thinking of my ex-high priestess—the one Councilor Rast deposed. She was, as you said earlier, ‘a tyrannical bitch mistress from hell‘.”

  Kat laughed and patted her on the back. “Good. So go on—pretend you’re her. Say something to me in her voice.”

  Slowly, Lissa drew herself up and frowned at Kat in what she hoped was a threatening manner. “What are you doing here?” she demanded in the haughtiest voice she could manage. “I thought I ordered you to be gone half an hour ago, slave.”

  “Perfect!” Kat exclaimed in delight. “See—you’re a natural. You’re going to be fine.”

  “I have to be,” Lissa said, in her own voice. “Both my life and the life of my kinsman depend on it.” She sighed and looked down at the skimpy bodice which barely covered her breasts. “I guess I’ll have to get over my modesty and my shyness and just…act the part, like you said.”

  “Exactly.” Kat nodded approvingly. “Good girl—you’re going to go out there to Yonnie Six and knock them dead.”

  Lissa felt ill. “I hope there won’t be any killing involved. No matter what part I’m playing, I don’t want to knock anyone until they’re dead.”

  “No, no.” Kat laughed. “It’s an Earth expression. It means you’re going to do such a good job everyone will be completely awed by you. And you’re going to be back here in no time with the scrolls that tell how to defeat the Hoard.”

  Lissa sighed. “I hope and pray that you’re right, Kat. I truly do.”

  But inside she wondered if she was really up to the task. I have to be, she told herself fiercely. I have to protect Saber and this is the only way. She had no idea that her kinsman was thinking the same thing—she only knew she would do anything to keep him from harm. Even put aside her modesty and pretend to be someone completely different—completely alien to her own nature.

  Chapter Three

  Far from the Kindred Mother Ship, someone else was also planning to infiltrate an alien culture—although by rights, it should not have been alien to her at all.

  L looked at herself in the viewer, rearranging the long, spiral blue curls that grew in a narrow strip down the middle of her head. She was disguised as a lili from Zabith for the moment, but she could change at any time. That was the beauty of having such a unique genetic makeup and being trained by one of the best shadow casters in the known universe.

  For a moment she shifted to her original form—the one with long black hair, amber eyes, and a white star shaped birthmark between her breasts. Though it was the outward appearance she had entered the cold, unfeeling universe with, she didn’t consider it her true form. That was because this particular shape belonged to another—to a girl who’d had it first—long before L came into existence. Still, it came in handy at times—especially while she was infiltrating the dreams of a certain Scourge warrior aboard the Kindred Mother Ship.

  L sighed. She wished she could go straight to the Mother Ship now but Draven had insisted that she come to see him first. He had some special weapons he wanted her to deploy—as if a knife in the dark wasn’t weapon enough. It always had been for L before, but the Hoard Master was paying good credit to have things done exactly to his specifications so she had to go along.

  She concentrated again and shed her original form like water. Her eyes went from amber to vivid blue and assumed an exotic tilt as her hair turned pale pink. The tops of her ears took on a graceful point and her face became more triangular. A tiny nose, full pink lips and a peaches and cream complexion dusted liberally with lavender freckles completed her new look.

  Exotic dancing girl from Julo—it was one of the first forms her shadow master had taught her. It had certainly brought the customers running—although they didn’t run for long after Yex sliced their throats. L had been the perfect bait—the lure to drive any male mad with lust. A lust she thankfully had not had to slake, not after she was bought by Yex, at least…

  L pushed the thoughts away. The past was the past, there was no point in dwelling on it now. No point in remembering the miserable time she’d spent in the skin trade before Yex had found her and recognized her unique abilities. Before he’d taken her as an apprentice and trained her in the shadow caster’s arts.

  “I am what I am,” she said aloud to the viewer. “I am what I was forced to be. And for that I will have my revenge.”

  Yes, but first she had to go see Draven.

  With a sigh, she went to the front of her little ship and set a course for the nearest wormhole that came out by Hrakaz. She didn’t relish the thought of going to the bleak, dangerous world filled with brutish trolls and dirty, scuttling imps but such were the beings the Hoard Master chose to surround himself with and she had no choice. Still, she thought as she entered the coordinates, there was no need to advertise her presence until she had to. Maybe her dancing girl form could wait.

  Walking back to the viewer, she looked at herself again as once more, her features began to flow and melt…

  * * * * *

  “Where is she?” Draven paced his opulent sitting room, his black boots scuffing the rare aza fur carpets carelessly. He’d woken early, the dre
ams caused by the venomous skrillix plant still tormenting him. He didn’t like the images the dreams brought with them—the memories they forced him to relive.

  This last one had been particularly bad. The final charge against the armies of darkness that had threatened the Goddess’s domain…watching his friend and fellow warrior, Glorin, fall helpless into the abyss, his wings singed to ash before he could even think to fly…the laughing, ghoulish face at the top of the great divide crying, “Where is your strength now, oh warrior of light? How do you plan to defeat me with your host fallen and your weapons gone? What can one lone warrior do against my might?”

  “No!” Draven’s shout made the imp attending him jump in fright.

  “Master?” It squeaked fearfully. “Is everything all right? Might I fetch you some wine to calm your nerves?”

  “My nerves do not need calming.” Draven used the pain voice, watching in satisfaction as brutal gashes appeared on the imp’s dirty gray hide. They gaped like lipless mouths and began to leak the black ichor that passed for blood among its kind.

  “Forgive me, Master,” the imp moaned in distress but held perfectly still, obviously knowing that to move was to incur a worse, possibly fatal punishment.

  Draven nodded. “That’s right—stay as you are. Next time you’ll have the sense to keep your filthy maw shut.”

  Yet, the small cruelty did not appease him in the way it should have. He continued pacing, his irritation at being kept waiting growing by the minute. Where was the shadow caster? By the seven hells, she should have been here by now! He hated that he had to use her at all. If only he wasn’t confined to this filthy planet, he could do the job himself. He grew stronger every day and soon he would be able to leave but he was not quite ready yet…