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Brides of the Kindred Volume One Page 14
Brides of the Kindred Volume One Read online
Page 14
I’ll wear her down, he told himself, trying to get more comfortable and forget that she was lying beside him. Trying not to think of the tantalizing glimpse he’d seen when she’d been lying in the bathing pool before she covered herself. Gods, he’d been able to see her nipples and her soft little slit—everything. He tried to put it out of his mind. I’ll wear her down and if I don’t, my scent will. She’s already reacting to it, it’s just a matter of time.
He felt bad about that in a way—if what Sylvan said was true, humans didn’t understand about mating scents or the way the Kindred pheromones could affect them. But at this point Baird was ready to fight dirty—hell, he was ready to do almost anything to have the woman he so desperately craved. The woman who was lying right beside him but might as well be a galaxy away. He’d warned her as much as he was going to by telling her she was soon going to be wanting him as much as he wanted her. Let her make of it what she would and in the mean time, he would have to keep his hands to himself and let his mating scent do the work for him.
I’ll have you, Lilenta, he thought with renewed determination. Sooner or later you’ll give me what we both want so desperately. And then I’ll claim you for my own and we’ll be together forever.
Staring into the darkness, he imagined what that moment would be like. He would part her thighs gently, slowly so as not to frighten her. Then he would spread her pussy open, sliding his fingers into her slippery depths first, making sure she was wet enough to take him. She would moan his name and he would kiss her while he stroked her clit, making her hotter, pushing her higher. Finally, when he knew she was ready he would mount her and press the head of his cock to her tight, wet entrance.
He would enter her slowly, of course, giving her time to adjust. From what he’d heard human males didn’t have very big equipment as a rule so she’d need to get used to his size. Baird could imagine her shifting under him, trying to be open enough as he slowly filled her, inch by inch. He would be kissing her, whispering encouragement, telling her how much he loved her, how much he wanted and needed her the entire time. Her eyes might be wide and frightened at first but he would soothe her anxiety, he told himself. Soothe her and pleasure her until her lovely silvery grey eyes were hot with lust, filled with a need to match his own. And then when he was finally all the way inside her, touching bottom in her sweet, hot pussy, his mating fist would begin to swell. Once it did they would be locked together for hours, bonding, their bodies and souls entwined.
And then you’ll be mine, as you were always meant to be, Olivia. Mine forever. Comforting himself with the thought, Baird closed his eyes and tried to rest. But it was a long, long time before he could get to sleep with Olivia lying so close beside him and her sweet, feminine scent filling the air.
* * * * *
Liv was awakened by someone’s warm breath in her ear. “What—?” She opened her eyes to see that she was sitting on the side of the bed and Baird was sitting beside her. “Hey.” Liv frowned. “What’s going on? Why am I suddenly just sitting here like this?”
“We’re dream sharing.” Baird smiled at her.
“We are?” She looked around her uncertainly.
“Uh-huh.” He nodded solemnly.
“But how can you tell it’s a dream? The room looks the same.” Liv gestured to the large bedroom and the immense bed they were sharing. “And besides, it feels so real.”
“Didn’t it always feel real when we dream-shared before?” Baird asked reasonably. “But if you want proof, look at what you’re wearing.”
Liv did as he asked and let out a low gasp. Baird was still dressed in the black silk sleep pants he’d worn to bed. But she…“Oh my God—what is this? I don’t own anything like this.”
He grinned. “Helluva lot different from what you went to sleep in, isn’t it?”
It certainly was. Instead of the long flannel nightgown she’d worn to bed, Liv found she was now wearing a barely there white lace nighty that barely came down to the tops of her thighs and tiny white panties to match. The lace the nighty was made of was stretchy and mostly see-through, offering a tantalizing glimpse of her breasts. Why, you can practically see my nipples! Liv crossed her arms over her chest protectively and glared at Baird. “This is your fault.”
He shrugged his broad, bare shoulders. “I might’ve had something to do with it. Although it looks kinda like something you already own.”
Liv had to admit he was right—the outfit looked a lot like a set she’d bought back before she broke up with Mitch. She had a weakness for sexy underwear. But still… “Just because I own something like this doesn’t give you the right to dress me up in it for your viewing pleasure,” she snapped.
Baird grinned. “And it is a pleasure, Lilenta. Or it would be if you’d let me get a good look.”
“Never. And I want to wake up right now.” She said the last words loudly and then looked around the room expectantly, hoping they would have some effect. But after a moment she had to acknowledge that nothing had changed. Apparently there was more to getting out of their shared dream than clicking her heels and saying, “There’s no place like home.”
Baird was still watching her. “Sorry, but it isn’t that easy,” he rumbled. “We’re both stuck here until one or both of us wakes up naturally. And that could be a long, long time, Lilenta.”
“Great. Just great.” Liv crossed her arms tighter across her chest and tapped her toe on the floor.
“It is great,” Baird said seriously. “And I’ll tell you why—since we’re in a dream, nothing counts.”
Liv gave him a sidelong glance. “What do you mean?”
“I mean we can do whatever we want and when we wake up none of it will have really happened. That’s the beauty of dreams, don’t you think?”
“I think you’re crazy if you think I’ll do anything with you at all, dream or no dream,” Liv told him.
Baird shrugged. “Suit yourself. But can you honestly tell me you’re not the least bit interested in how it would be?” He leaned closer so that his muscular arm brushed hers and his thigh pressed against her bare leg. “There’s something between us, Olivia. Something you can’t deny.”
“I…I most certainly can.” But to her distress, her voice came out sounding breathy and uncertain. She cleared her throat. “I mean, you’re wrong.”
“If you’re so sure I’m wrong then you won’t mind letting me touch you.”
“T-touch me? What do you mean?”
“This is our holding week, Olivia.” Baird gave her a stern look. “That means I’m legally permitted to hold you and touch you.”
“But not under the clothes,” Liv reminded him anxiously. God, dream or no dream things were spinning out of control.
“Don’t worry, Lilenta. I won’t break the rules.” He raised a black eyebrow at her. “Worried you’ll lose control when I touch you?”
Liv frowned, her earlier resolve coming back. “Of course not. You know, you are so full of yourself. So sure I’ll do anything you want the minute you put your hands on me. Well I have news for you, Baird, I’m not that easy.”
“Well, well.” He grinned at her. “So you think you can lay there and take whatever I dish out without reacting?”
Liv gave him what she hoped was a supremely confident smile. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”
“Care to make it interesting?” His eyes were half lidded with lust again and filled with amusement. “Want to bet on it, Olivia?”
Suddenly some of her confidence deserted her. “What…what do you want to bet?”
He shrugged. “Nothing sexual, don’t worry about that. We’ll bet tomorrow night’s late-day meal. If I touch you and your body doesn’t react I’ll teach you how to make my favorite dish. But if you do react you’ll teach me to make the dish with sea creatures rolled in those tiny white grains.”
Liv almost laughed. “You really want me to teach you to make sushi? I warn you, I’m not exactly an expert. Although it might be more app
etizing than whatever you have in mind.”
“You’d better win the bet then,” he rumbled. “Are we on?”
Liv nodded firmly. “Yes, absolutely. Just…uh, just one more question. How exactly do we know who wins and who loses? I mean, your definition of reaction and my definition of reaction may differ. Like if you, uh, blow on my nipples and they get hard in response to the cool air, that’s not really valid in my opinion.”
Baird gave her that slow, hot smile again. “How about this then—if I make you come, I win. If you don’t come, you win. Simple enough for you?”
Liv’s mouth felt dry. “I…I guess so,” she whispered.
“Good.” He nodded. “So, you ready?”
“Sure.” Liv took a deep breath. “Do your worst.”
“Or my best,” he growled softly and, without warning, he pulled her into his lap.
Liv gasped and started to struggle before she remembered she wasn’t supposed to. Let him do his worst, she reminded herself, sitting stiff as a board on his knee. No matter what he does I’m not going to react. And besides, it’s just a dream.
Baird surprised her. She’d been expecting him to go straight for her breasts, or maybe to thrust one hand between her legs, because that was exactly what Mitch would have done. Her ex-fiance was a go-for-the-gusto kind of guy who had never bothered to find out if she had any erogenous zones besides the obvious ones. So she was braced for a mauling as she held herself straight and tall in Baird’s lap.
What she didn’t expect was for him to pull her close and nuzzle his face into her hair.
“Mmm, you smell so good, Lilenta,” he murmured, his hot, cinnamon flavored breath blowing against the side of her neck.
Liv couldn’t help shivering. “What…what are you doing?” she demanded, wishing her voice didn’t sound quite so breathless.
“Breathing you in.” He nuzzled her again, the slight stubble on his cheeks brushing against the sensitive skin of her throat and making her shiver for a second time.
Being this close to him, Liv could smell him too. Considering it was just a dream, her senses seemed extraordinarily sharp. The warm, masculine musk that seemed to be his natural scent filled her head, making her dizzy. She wondered hazily if all the Kindred’s sense of smell was more developed than a human’s or if it was just the Beast Kindred that were into olfactory pleasures. Whatever it was, Baird seemed content for the moment to just “breathe her in” as he had put it, without touching her with his hands at all.
Liv was still trying to still the pounding of her heart when she felt his mouth, soft and hot, at the side of her neck. God, he was kissing her! Kissing her like he had all night to drive her crazy. Her heart started thumping harder than ever, beating an erratic rhythm against her ribs and she wished she could get away just for a minute to take a breather. But if she did that she’d have to admit his touch was affecting her and he hadn’t even done anything overtly sexual yet! She had to toughen up or she was going to lose.
Clenching her jaw she made a determined effort to slow her breathing and calm her pulse. After all, it wasn’t that exciting. So what if she was sitting in a barely-there see-though nightgown on the lap of a gorgeous man whose only apparent goal in life was to make her come? What was the big deal?
She’d almost succeeded in convincing herself when Baird pulled back for a moment and looked in her eyes. “I can hear your heart beating like crazy, Lilenta,” he murmured. “Are you warmed up yet?”
“I don’t…don’t know what you mean.” Liv tried to keep her voice level and even but she still squeaked on the last word.
“Let me show you, then.” In one swift movement Baird lifted her as though she weighed no more than a doll and laid her on the bed beside him. Rolling up on his side, he propped his head up with one hand and watched her with hot eyes. “Are you ready for me to touch you, Lilenta?”
Liv felt a small surge of triumph. That’s it—foreplay’s over and he’s ready to go for the sweet spot. Just like Mitch. Just like every guy I’ve ever been with, she told herself. They’re all exactly the same whether they’re from across the street or a galaxy far, far away.
“Sure,” she said, having an easier time keeping her voice steady this time. “Do whatever you want.”
“That’s a dangerous invitation to make, Lilenta.” Baird smiled wolfishly. “But I’ll take it in the spirit it was offered in.”
Here it comes, Liv told herself and got ready to endure his clumsy fumblings while he pawed at her breasts and tried to get between her thighs.
But Baird surprised her again. Leaning over her, he gathered her close in his arms and pressed her body against the length of his own. Liv could feel the hard planes of his chest against her cheek and the arms encircling her felt like warm, flexible steel. His big body dwarfed hers, making her feel tiny against him although she’d never felt particularly small with any of the other guys she dated. Of course, Mitch had only been an inch or two taller than her. In contrast Baird was a head and shoulders taller but instead of making her feel threatened, his size made her feel protected and warm.
“So beautiful,” he whispered into her hair again as he stroked her back with his large, warm hands. He didn’t restrict himself to her back either. His hands wandered over her shoulders and arms and down the curves of her hips, exciting her nerve endings and making her tingle all over. But the strange thing was, he never touched any of her erogenous zones—at least none of the obvious ones. It didn’t seem to matter though—Liv was beginning to feel like her entire body was en erogenous zone as far as the big Kindred warrior was concerned. And as he touched her, he kissed her. Softly at first, dropping butterfly kisses all over her upturned face and then more directly, feeding hungrily on her mouth until Liv could barely hold back a moan.
God, how could he do this to her? How could he make her so hot without doing anything but stroking her arms and back and kissing her? Because Liv had to admit it—she was hot. Maybe not hot enough to come—that required some direct stimulation. But hot enough that she felt dizzy and her entire body was buzzing and tingling with need. Hot enough that she actually wanted him to touch her somewhere besides her back and arms and neck.
As though reading her mind, Baird pulled out of a particularly long and passionate kiss and met her eyes. “How do you feel now, Lilenta? All warmed up?”
“Warm enough,” Liv admitted guardedly. “But I’m nowhere near coming—so sorry to disappoint you.”
He grinned. “Oh, I’m not disappointed. Of course you’re not ready to come—we’re just getting started.”
“We are?” Liv looked at him in disbelief. They had already been lying together in bed while he touched and kissed her for about twice as long as it had used to take Mitch to make love to her and Baird was telling her they were just getting started? “What…what else are you going to do?” she asked in a breathless whisper.
“You’ll see,” he murmured, leaning over her again and cupping her face in one warm hand.
That’s exactly what I’m afraid of! Liv thought. Despite her apprehension she found herself relaxing beneath his touch as he stroked her cheek.
“You know, Olivia,” he murmured. “Some men might feel limited by the ways they could touch you with this little lace dress in the way. But to me it’s a challenge. And I always rise to a challenge.” The nudge of his hard shaft against her hip let Liv know he was speaking in a much more than metaphorical sense.
“I bet,” she whispered and for the first time, she wondered what it would feel like if she let him slide the thick, hard cock she could feel throbbing against her thigh inside her. Would it hurt? He was so much bigger than anyone she’d ever been with. But maybe if he took it slowly…Stop it, Liv, she scolded herself. You’re as bad as Kat! Get control of yourself. Trying to do just that, she forced herself to focus on what Baird was saying. But that scarcely helped considering that he’d started talking about what he wanted to do to her again.
“Can’t wait to taste these,”
he murmured, tracing two long fingers down the valley between her breasts. “Can’t wait to suck those ripe pink nipples, Lilenta.” He cupped the undercurve of her right breast and thumbed the sensitive bud of her nipple, making her gasp. “Will you show them to me?”
“I…you can see them well enough, can’t you?” Liv demanded. “And besides, you’re not supposed to touch me without my clothes.”
Baird held up his left hand, the one he’d been touching her with. His right arm and hand were under her neck supporting her head. “I won’t, I promise. I just want you to pull the material of this soft little dress a little tighter. I wanna see how tight and hard they are—see if I’m affecting you or not.”
“Well…” Liv decided that it couldn’t hurt to comply with his request. After all, it wasn’t like he’d asked her to pull the white lace nightgown down and bare her breasts completely. Besides, it felt kind of nice to have him devouring her so hungrily with his eyes. It made her feel beautiful—flawless. It was a nice feeling. And besides, it’s only a dream. The thought reassured her and gave her more confidence.
“If you’d rather not,” Baird began but she shook her head.
“No. I guess it’s okay.” Taking a deep breath she grasped the white lace nightgown and pulled to either side of her ribcage, tugging it tight over her full breasts and hard nipples, letting him see what he wanted.
Baird took a deep breath. “Beautiful,” he breathed softly, cupping her breast again. “So damn hard and sensitive.” As if to illustrate he brushed his fingertips over her right peak. Liv gasped and squirmed, feeling a sudden flash of heat at his light touch. God, was he trying to drive her crazy?
“Want to kiss you here.” Baird’s deep voice in her ear was filled with need and before Liv could respond he’d ducked his head to press his mouth to her left nipple.
She moaned softly as his heated breath bathed the sensitive peak through the thin material of the gown but she never let go of the fabric in her hands. If anything she tightened her grip so that the gown’s top was stretched even tighter over her breasts. Only a dream, only a dream! But it certainly felt real.